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Microneedling Specialist

South Central Family Practice Clinic

Family Practice & Medical Esthetics Specialist located in Soldotna, AK

A beautiful, flawless complexion can be elusive to achieve, even if you eat properly and are diligent about skin care. Fortunately, advances in aesthetic medicine make rejuvenating your skin and softening the appearance of imperfections possible. Gladys Bailón, MD, and the team at South Central Family Practice Clinic in Soldotna, Alaska, proudly offer microneedling, one of the latest and most advanced skin care treatments available. To learn more, call or schedule an appointment online today.

Microneedling Q & A

 What’s microneedling? 

Microneedling skin rejuvenation, or collagen induction therapy, uses tiny needles to create microchannels on the surface of your skin. The process stimulates collagen renewal and strengthens and tightens underlying skin structures. 

This innovative treatment corrects or diminishes the appearance of a variety of skin flaws:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Vertical lip lines
  • Hyperpigmentation (age spots)
  • Loose, saggy skin
  • Visibly large pores 
  • Persistent under-eye bags
  • Acne scars and stretch marks

Because the skin channels created by microneedling are so small and superficial, the procedure requires only a topical anesthetic. 

How does microneedling work? 

The skin experts at South Central Family Practice Clinic perform microneedling with only the most advanced medical-grade automated microneedling technologies. 

Microneedling devices have a sterile applicator tip that contains several ultra-fine disposable needles that vertically pierce your skin. This action creates tiny openings in the treatment area that allow for the transdermal delivery of topical nutrients into your deepest layers of skin.      

The depth of needle placement during a microneedling treatment varies, depending on the type of skin problem you’re hoping to address. Acne scars and stretch marks require a slightly deeper needle insertion than enlarged pores and fine lines, for example. 

Is microneedling painful?

Microneedling isn’t considered painful, thanks to the pretreatment topical anesthetic and post-treatment hydrating gel. Many women and men say they simply feel a mild tingling sensation reminiscent of light sandpaper being gently moved across the skin. 

Because the microneedling device has a smooth, stamp-like motion, you can also expect a safe, controlled microneedling experience that enhances your comfort during the procedure and results in a better treatment outcome. 

When will I see results?

Whether your goal is to soften the appearance of a scar, diminish fine lines, or tighten noticeably large pores, microneedling provides you with skin that looks tighter, smoother, and more uniform. Most women and men notice an immediate post-treatment glow. 

Microneedling harnesses your body’s natural healing response to help you achieve beautiful, problem-free skin. That’s why your results emerge over days and weeks as your skin repairs itself from the inside out. 

Although you may require only one annual treatment to achieve and maintain optimal results, you’re likely to require a series of two or three treatments, spaced about six to eight weeks apart, to attain optimal results. 

To learn how microneedling can give you your best skin, call South Central Family Practice Clinic or schedule an appointment online today.

*Individual results may vary.